History of the Alphabet

Human #1 has just turned four – and neither my husband nor I know how we hit this big milestone that fast.  Naturally, over the past couple of years there has been lots and lots of ABC talk.  We do flashcards.  I sing The Backwards Alphabet.  We watch lots of ABC videos, etc. etc. 

But let’s kick Alphabet videos up a notch, shall we?  I stumbled across this phenomenal History of the Alphabet video and chart by Matt Baker from Useful Charts.  The linguistics nerd in me is just tickled to death.  In the video, he does an awesome job of making the info easy to follow and understand.

Even if you’re not a linguistics nerd, this is a very interesting comprehensive view of how the Alphabet has developed over thousands of years.  Baker even breaks down how the letter F is one of the most interesting letters – and not like that, get your minds out of the gutter, haha.



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