Classical Music In The Mornings

Admittedly, developing routines with two small children is not easy.  One thing I do have down is playing classical music in the mornings for my kids.

Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 are some of my favorite movies of all time.  I am genuinely dismayed that the kid’s cartoons today, with the exception of Little Einsteins, do not feature classical music.  My parents are super into classical music and it’s something they incorporated into my life.  For me and my tiny humans, sometimes it’s traditional, Motzart-y stuff; sometimes it’s newer, less traditional stuff like this, from YoungMin You.

At the risk of feeling like I have turned into my dad, let me share at a high level why I find this to be beneficial:

-          We all feel more zen this way.  No one likes to start of their morning un-zen.
-          It’s the right time of day for it.  (Unlike my dad, I do not jam out to classical mid-afternoon driving in my truck. (Love you, Dad.))
-          It’s good for their brain development.  The structure of most classical music is different than that of much of the currently-popular music.
-          Classical music is beautiful.
-          Creating well-rounded children who are exposed to lots of different types of information, experiences, and music is something we value.

I’m certain this isn’t the end of the benefits, but in our ever-increasingly fast-paced world, I believe the concept of “classical music in the mornings” merits sharing.  Slow down, smell the roses, sip your coffee, and listen to the music with your little Tchaikovsky Sleeping Beauties.

#AnitaVP #parenting #beautiful #classicalmusic #classical #Pandora #mornings #SleepingBeauty


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