A Potential Book: Being Married To The Alpha Male

My husband is a true man’s man – a macho man.  Physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, etc.  And I wouldn’t have him any other way. 

He’s big and bulky and buff and gruff.  He has a beard most men would envy.  He makes grunts Tim Allen style and he may be convinced that a little snus has him turned into a sexual tyrannosaurus.  When asked what he wants to eat, the answer typically is “meat.”  He, and I quote, “[doesn’t] have to work out, [he gets] to work out.”  Little bit Paul Bunyan, little bit Spartan, little bit Teddy Roosevelt, little bit Marlboro Man.  From here on out, we can call him Macho Man.  Every fiber of his being is characterized by testosterone – a bona fide, red-blooded, he-man.

I’d like to think my feminine charm is some form of black magic antidote.  Perhaps it is – at least in a small and sufficient enough way. 

Nonetheless, my black magic or otherwise, we make a great partnership.  Shared values and upbringings mesh; our personalities balance each other well.  He says stuff like, “we yin and yang.”  He knows nothing tells me ‘I love you’ like Mexican food; I don’t subject him to salad as a main course.  Macho Man tolerates the throw pillows because he knows they make his house look orderly and beautiful.  I keep his troops (Human #1, Human #2, and doggos) in line, because well, he likes his ship run tight.  He supports, in every capacity, my Inner Bohemian and her creative pursuits.  Where he goes, I willingly go.

Last week, we spent our riveting Friday night going through our DISC profiles – a personalysis test valuating levels of dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance.  Lame conceptually, but cheaper than a babysitter – and it worked out to be a great conversation for us!  Even on paper, we balance out!  Macho Man is very “red”; I have the rest of the DISC rainbow of colors.  It was an interesting look at how we are similar and different.  (Maybe this week we’ll stick to Netflix and chill.)

I’ve stated for some time now that if I were to write anything in the self-help category, it would be a book called A Guide To Being Married To The Alpha Male.  (A thriving guide, not a survival guide – there is a difference.)  It seems as if the manly men in our current world are getting more and more of bad rap.  And while I don’t wish to dive down that rabbit hole conversation of what’s true masculinity and what makes a man a good man, etc., in this blog post, the unwavering fact in my world is that I love and picked my husband for who he is.  All of him.  Not what I think he is or should be. 

People have asked me, “You’re like a normal girl, and he is… Macho Man.  How do you guys work!?”  Well, we just work.  Like any marriage though, it doesn’t come passively.  Years and years in now, I maintain my stance that it’s entirely possible to be married to this variety of man – mutually happy, respected, and fulfilled.

Maybe after our next decade together and, Lord willing, the success of a few picture books, I’ll tackle A Guide To Being Married To The Alpha Male – in the interim, I’ll revel in my experience of being married.

#AnitaVP #marriedlife #macho #alphamale #hubby #amwriting


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