Take The Picture

Perhaps our present culture is over-saturated with images.  In fifty years, we can all tell our grandchildren deep thoughtful stories along the lines of "this was my pumpkin spice latte and I really liked the foam feather on top - it got lots of hearts on Instagram."  My family photobook for the year my first was born could have been titled, "Human #1 & People Holding Human #1."  I pretty much refuse to participate in those Facebook posts taunting, "Make my day!  Show me your 7th photo in your camera roll - no matter what!"; chances are my 7th photo is a screenshot of something I should remember, or a picture of the light bulb I need from Target, or a snap of the mess of my son's bloody nose (actually this right now).

Yet in all of these pictures, it's somehow increasingly hard to come by the informal family photo.  "You're taking the picture..... You need to take a family picture..... No, really..... We're taking a picture - at least one!"  That's me to my husband - and not the children like you might think.  "And you're gonna smile!"

Not everyone is so blessed with a patience-fostering husband like mine, but surely I'm not alone in this!

A lot of my favorite photos are ones that show our true, multifoliate selves - but the best ones are the ones of everyone together.  The pictures that show togetherness.  I've read blogs lately about how there are few "pictures of mom" because it's "mom" who is always the one taking the pictures, and that's maybe true.  But how much more important is it be certain to grab the shot with everyone in there?!

Why is this so hard?  It cannot be that hard to get a picture of four people.  Maybe it's because that PSL holds still.  Maybe it's because the children always look good, even when dressed in potato sacks.  Maybe it's because of the convenience of digital photography with cell phones has made it easier than ever to blast open our repertoires of purpose for pictures.

And I'll admit, it's easier to want to be in pictures when I know I have eyeliner on... and when I don't have mysterious fuzz on my shirt... and when I've had my coffee (a rare trifecta).  Yet the fact of the matter stands: We need more pictures displaying complete togetherness.

So take the picture.  Even when little ones won't sit still.  Even when you're out of concealer.  Even when it takes some convincing.  Even when *gasp* you have to ask someone to take a picture for you.  The picture of your genuine, unstaged togetherness, showing imperfections and all, is better than no picture - hands down.

My sweet sister-in-law made sure that I got my Christmas card picture of my foursome - although, as you can tell, my bunch did not make it easy on her!

I maintain my stance that when we're in our golden years my husband will no longer recall the cajoling required and will just appreciate the pictures.  (I think he secretly does already.)

#AnitaVP #family #familypicture #familypic #familyoffour #smile #holdstill #together


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