Don’t You Want To Be Four?

As of late, a frequent statement in my household has been, “Don’t you want to be four?”  And it clearly is because my four-year-old makes being four look just that good.  My dad said it best years ago: “There is something just magical about being four or five.”

When you’re four, the world is big, complete with wonder, and filled with friends and future friends.  You’ve got a few things figured out (now that you’re not just a little peanut anymore), yet there is so much to be explored.  With so much unknown yet unknown when you’re four, challenges abound still; but there’s undeniably a distinct-to-four-years-old enthusiasm with which all challenges are met.

The colors, now that you know all their names, shine bright, perhaps just for you.  The sun, moon, stars, and lights twinkle and glimmer, perhaps just to light up your face.  The music around you drums and beats, perhaps just so you will dance.

Here’s to you, four – man, you look good!

#AnitaVP #four #fouryearsold #doesntgetbetterthanthat #muse #inspiration #human#1


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