Hold Time in Your Hands

Every new mother has heard it: “Nap when baby naps.” Interestingly enough, I think that people have become wise enough to stop saying that to mothers with more than one kid. Nap when baby naps doesn’t really work when all of your children don’t nap. Furthermore, am I to pay mortgage when baby pays mortgage? Or in my particular case, edit dissertations when baby edits? Or write picture books when baby writes? This is all of course assuming that Human #1 has either become self-sufficient or feral (or a combination of the two). The song that plays in my head is El Reloj – “reloj, no marques las horas” – clock, don’t count the hours. Oh, how I need a clock that doesn’t mark the hours. If only time could stand still, so I could get more done, write more, and perhaps most importantly of all fully relish this quickly fleeting moment of my kids’ childhoods. Reloj, “Deten el tiempo en tus manos” – Clock, hold time in your hands. ...