My Mom Likes It

As a mom, I am aware that I’ll always have a bias.  Chances are if one of my kids makes it, I’ll like it.  Thankfully for me personally, I think that my mom is inclined to like most of my manuscripts. 

Perhaps some of it can be attributed to shared taste and sense of humor.  Another chunk to understanding points of inspiration.  If my mom didn’t like my picture book manuscripts, I think we all might be worried.

But as a writer, I am currently on the journey of discovering how I move from “my mom likes my work” to “an agent also likes my work.”  (“My mom likes it” has zero pull in a query.)

Last year, I connected with a retired Children’s Lit professor and she encouraged me to find an agent.  As a result, I began thoughtfully submitting manuscripts to a few agents.  Statistical probability indicates rejection.  And that’s alright.

Despite the decided emotional up and downs of sharing my work with others, the still, quiet thought deep down is that there will be an agent and/or a publisher for me.  Someone who can see what I see.  Perhaps better yet what my mom sees.

And Mom, if you’re reading this: I hope you like this post too.  You will always be my best fan.

#writingjourney #seemyvision #mom #needanagent #picturebooks #kidlit #anitavp


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