Project Time

2018 was a very good year to us.  I found out on Christmas Eve 2017 I was expecting, so 2018 was filled with excitement from the get-go.

Since that variety of happy anticipation is hard to top, where to start off 2019 then?  Let’s begin by stating the well-known fact that resolutions are for the birds and rarely successful.  But maybe it’s time for some projects.

Using the rush of energy ushered in by January to accomplish a few tasks feels more productive than resolving to change this or that.

I’ll organize my office and our files.  I am realizing that I’m too old to have file folders that are this embarrassing.  Lame, but necessary.

Perhaps more interesting and important is my picture book writing journey.  The next steps in my project to author published picture books are sure to be filled with ups and downs.  Probably lots of downs.  And that’s ok.  But I’ll do it.  And I’ll share it.  I’ll welcome accountability.

Pop back in to hear my stories and progress and tell me what you think.  Consider this post the first step in the project of sharing my journey.

In the meantime, what exciting projects are on your plate?

#writingjourney #projecttime #2019goals #NewYearsDay2019 #noresolutions #picturebooks #kidlit #anitavp


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