The-Baby’s-In-The-Dishwasher Kind of Crazy

A song that my husband and I first loved about ten years ago, Easton Corbin’s Roll With It, came on the radio yesterday.  As I sang along, I realized that perhaps what “rolling with it” meant to us a decade ago looks so vastly different than it does now. 

To say this season of life, with a preschooler, a baby, moves, developing careers, etc., is crazy suffices as an understatement.  As we try and adapt our lessons of “assuming positive intent” and “agility” from what we’ve learned in a business capacity and apply them to our “regular” life, we’re constantly being tested and pushed.  No one sufficiently prepares you and your spouse for the amount of time spent in this stage of life that you will exchange glances with the singular look of “what in the heck?!”

“Did you read that paperwork the car insurance mailed?”
“Which reading lesson are we on?”
“Did you make a payment on this already?”
“What’s in her hair?”
“I thought we already placed that order on Prime.  Can you go please check into that?”
“Should we call the realtor about the new listing that just came through?”
“Did you email those pictures to my folks?”
“Where’s the baby?..... 

Oh, the baby’s in the dishwasher.”

Thankfully, God’s goodness is not characterized by the calmness of the season that we are in.  God is good all the time, even if I feel like I might be going crazy.

#AnitaVP #Godisgood #crazy #parenting #parent #losingit #baby



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