Reading with Belle

All aboard the reading lesson train again!  Now that we’re quasi settled in between leaving our Colorado home and finding our new one, it’s back at it to so-called “regular” life for tiny humans.

As I mentioned in another post, we’re learning to read over here using Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.  “What’s the first sound?” “Now the next sound.” “Are you a snake?... SSSsss”

I can appreciate that this is genuinely the most complex thing that my four-year-old has ever had to take on – and there’s decided challenges in that!  In my child’s case, the comprehension of the material is there without question, but the desire to be compliant and obedient was seriously lacking.  However, I think that it might be fair to say that at this juncture I am perhaps the one who is learning more. 

Patience.  Flexibility.  Persistence.  Endurance.  More patience. 

I may have garnered a point this week in parenting agility.  Leveraging what she loves, I reminded her that Princess Belle likes to read.  So what did I do?  I hauled out her Belle dress.  Now when we read, it is as Belle!  Layers of chiffon and sparkle trim now add an apparently needed element of panache to our time. 

And we made a chart together!  She picked the pictures and we’ve got a goal of earning more dress-up dresses.  I’ll take the win!

#AnitaVP #readmore #parenting #reading #hookedonphonics #belle #4yearold #learningtoread


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