Learning To Read

Once preschool ends in about a month, I’ll foray into teaching Human #1 how to read.  We’ve been working on lots of pre-reading activities and letter/sound identification.  I plan on primarily using a book my sister-in-law (former teacher) recommended called Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.  May it be so – may it be easy and may she read at the end of this!  I’ll update soon on our progress and what we both have learned.  (I think I may learn what new types of wine I like.)

As I ponder my own experience learning to read, I remember specifically reading a book to myself in kindergarten.  It was during the school day; the book was in Spanish and it had very simple illustrations with lots of red, yellow, and white.  I honestly wish I knew which book it was.  As I grasp at this wisp of a memory, I can’t help but wonder what Human #1 will recall one day from her experience learning to read.  What will stand out to her?

What do you remember from learning to read?  What advice would you give to a parent teaching their child to read?

#AnitaVP #readmore #parenting #reading #hookedonphonics


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