Picture Book History 101: Orbis Pictus
As I find myself trailing deeper down the picture book
rabbit hole (pun intended), I realized I should brush up on the history of
picture books. Many of us are familiar
with Beatrix Potter’s books as being some of the first widely popular children’s
picture books (and the source of many cute Easter decorations); however, what the
first children’s picture book is may be less common knowledge.
Today, I bring to you this factoid: Orbis Pictus. Credited with
being the first children’s textbook with pictures, Orbis Pictus was printed in German and Latin in 1658. It covers more academic topics, like zoology
and religion, than many of the cheeky stories we read today. But *gasp* it’s like someone finally figured
out that children are very visual!
You can check out a complete version here: archive.org/details/johamoscommeniio00come/page/n1
Thank you, Gutenberg, and thank you, John Amos Comenius!
#AnitaVP #first #picturebook #readmore #tuesdaythoughts
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