Let's Go Luna

Image result for let's go luna

Human #1, during playing pretend: “No, sister! I want to go to St. Basil’s Cathedral!”

It’s safe to say that I rarely get excited about children’s TV programming, but this new show on PBS seems to check all the boxes for me.  Let’s Go Luna! follows three friends, whose parents are in the circus, and their travels with their trusty pal, Luna the Moon.  The above quotation is clearly inspired by a recent episode of Let’s Go Luna! on PBS.

It has the qualities of being cute (without being cutesy), gender neutral, and entertaining.  I feel that the characters do a good job of speaking respectfully, while still expressing their thoughts and emotions.  The show also nicely incorporates celebrating cultural diversity.  (And it’s moon-related – we love moon-related anything.)

Perhaps even better yet, the focus of the show is on education and travel – two decides passions of mine.  The circus visits various famous places throughout the world and the trio learns something new uniquely inspired by the locale.  Destinations include London, Mexico, China, and Egypt.

I won’t give away any spoilers (*wink*), because let’s be honest, internet spoilers are not cool no matter the level of television.  But Let’s Go Luna! is one that you can add to your toddler, preschooler, or elementary age watch list free of mom guilt.

Lookie there, I’ve freed you of some guilt.  Go enjoy some coffee for a blissful half hour.  Let’s go, Luna, let's go!

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(Click here for a snippet.)

#AnitaVP #parenting #guiltfree #pbs #pbskids #letsgoluna #luna


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