A Move Complete

Our long awaited and longtime coming move from Colorado to Washington has finally come to a completion.  We've successfully made it in to the new house and have a majority of our things in.
It'll take some time to get straightened, but today our new house has really started to feel like home.  For the first time, we were able to go on our regular morning walk and I enjoyed my first cup of coffee here.  Let me tell you how sweet and perfect that first cup is!

For a long time, I've pondered the complete range of emotions that one must feel with a move of this magnitude.  With confidence, I can say that I'm able to better completely understand the gamut of emotions of this all (for the sake of my picture book manuscript about  moving, if for nothing else).  Nonetheless, the finish line brings a distinct sweetness and plenty of musings.

#AnitaVP #moving #writemore #movingday


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