Blown Away

As someone who desires to be a published author one day, it's a regular debate in my own mind if I actually have anything worth saying.  The forces of resistance within my own mind talk unkindly to me and say, "well no, of course you don't."

Good ol' Thumper's refrain of "If you can't say something nice, then don't say nothing at all" plays in my head.  Perhaps an even more valuable phrase would be something like this: If you don't have anything worthwhile to say, don't say nothing at all.  Nice is a relatively wide gate; worthwhileness weeds out a lot of "nice" things that perhaps would have been better left unsaid (or unread).

There is nothing new under the sun, but perhaps anything that is worthwhile of being published will be something that blows the reader away.  How do you actually blow readers away? I'd argue that occurs by appealing to emotions.

Books that make the reader laugh, cry, surprised, excited, intrigued, nostalgic, etc. -- those are the worthwhile ones that will blow someone away.

I may not have that formula yet for my writing, but at least I've got the goal.

#AnitaVP #goals #writinggoals #writemore


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