Blogs: A Blog Post on Blogs
Stemming from the original term "weblog",
first used in 1997, the word "blog" as we know and love it today, was
coined by a grandfather blogger, Peter
Merholz, who as a joke divided the word “weblog” into “we blog” in 1999. "Blog" soon took on both noun and
verb form, thanks to Pyra
Labs who created the blogging service Blogger.
Blogs have taken the past score of years by storm, allowing
professionals and laymen alike to share their voice. From political pundits to mommy-bloggers,
everyone seems to have something to say.
And why not? The readership is
All the way back in 2006, Pew Research found
that, “Thirty-nine percent of internet users, or about 57 million American
adults, read blogs.” That’s a truck-load
of people! And the number of internet
users has only grown since then – to the tune of 4.1
billion people worldwide in 2018!
Blogs can serve an array of purposes from driving business
to discipling to serving as dear diary. Need
some reasons to blog? Check this
Consider this though, in the new age where anyone can
contribute, the old school values of good writing still are needed. Even the best blogs may still need a
good edit.
#AnitaVP #blog #bloggityblogblog #nerdingout
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