N is for Nacho

Not long ago in Barnes & Noble, I saw the most fantastic alphabet book I have ever seen: P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever.  The title really says it all and I’d hate to give away any surprises, but this one is cute and fun!

I can’t help but laugh, because right now in my house we are drilling phonics hard core to get Human #1 ramped up for reading.  That alphabet book would really be The Worst – haha!  As such, I’ll be saving this gem for another time in her life.

Since we’re deep engrossed in Phonicsland, I also can’t help but wonder if many of the common word and picture references for letter names/sounds are out-of-date.  They’re either out-of-date or boring or something.  Just sayin’.

My kid legitimately does not use the phrase “necktie” – nor do we.  She also thought that a little picture of the walnut (parading as “nut”) looked like a loaf of bread.  Another common “alphabet word”, just specific to N, that’s not on her radar is nightshirt.  (I won’t even get into the other 25 letters.)  Can N just please be for “nacho”?  Tasty, modern, kid-friendly.  What more could you ask for? 

I feel as though I may have a board book brewing here – N Is for Nacho: The Alphabet Book of the 21st Century!  I mean, I’m just sayin’.

#AnitaVP #parenting #kitlid #picturebook #boardbook #abc #preschool #phonics #nacho


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