Packing What Matters

Presently, I reside in packing purgatory.  With our move date scheduled out about ten days from now, my house is dismantled, without a lick of décor, and far too many plastic totes everywhere.

For some time, I’ve considered myself to be a “closeted minimalist.”  Not my actual closets; think of this as being a reflection on my dabbling in the world of minimalism without full public commitment.  Nonetheless, whether I suppose we have less than some and more than others, the fact remains that I do not miss much of what I’ve had packed for months.

Now that we’re getting down to brass tacks, I’ll just ponder packing what truly matters.

This is the most important box of what we have – ketchupy faces and all.  (All the other stuff is just stuff.)

#AnitaVP #packing #moving #washington #colorado #whatmatters #parenting #Human#1 #Human#2 #minimalism


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