The Best Little Helpers
The article entitled Toddlers
Want to Help and We Should Let Them is a thoughtful look at why and how to
involve our best little helpers in daily work.
As a parent, it can be so easy to miss a child’s genuine
desire to be involved and even easier to want to be wholly “in control” of a task. Peter Gray Ph.D. also reminds parents to
assume positive intent and avoid cajoling or bargaining for help. Beyond that, I’ll let the article speak for
itself and tell you to just go read it.
Human #1 is an exceedingly good helper with laundry (as well
as with many other things). Makes me
wonder in what other areas should I be relinquishing control and increasing my
patience! (Human #2 better get ready –
I’ll be calling his number soon!)
#AnitaVP #parenting #littlehelpers #toddlers #psychology #letitgo
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