Menudo & What To Write About

I asked my husband, “What should I write about tonight?”  Since this was immediately following a conversation regarding menudo, the dish (not the band), he chuckled, “Oh, write about menudo.”  While the topic of “trying new things” is something that I’m passionate about and merits being accoladed in writing, pondering and extrapolating our conversation on menudo is probably nothing to “write home about.” 

Nonetheless, whether I’m writing about menudo or my kids or my daily musings or the price of cheese in Nova Scotia, there is catharsis in writing.  The act and art of writing, in any medium or form and in any length, perseveres in proving its benefits for me, if for no one else.  It’s my burning heart’s desire that one day my writing will succeed in blessing a wide audience; but in the interim, I’ll be thankful that writing continues to be good in return to me.

Because brevity in writing is something I greatly value, I’ll just leave it at that – writing is wonderful, beneficial, and cathartic.


#AnitaVP #writemore #writing #writingcommunity #menudo


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