Reading Lesson Progress

Certainly every parent has those hit-like-a-brick-to-the-face moments where all of a sudden the tiny human is not looking so tiny any more.  The next phase of development has snuck up overnight, like a thief of Neverland.  “When did you get to looking so big?!”

Furthermore in my particular present situation, learning to read is catapulting my oldest into the next chapter of childhood.  Although teaching her to read is not coming without full and complete effort on my part, it feels as though I blinked and here she is saying, “NO! I’m going to read this part myself!”

I’m not one to gush, but she read two sentences yesterday!  Not one, but two, folks!  Wowee!  What a big girl!  Where have I been all this time!?

#AnitaVP #reading #read #readinglessons #learningtoread #kingergarten #biggirl #timeflies #Tuesdaythoughts


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